AAS | = Atomabsorptionsspektrometrie | IHA | = Indirekte Hämagglutination |
AFS | = Atomfluoreszenzspektroskopie | IIF/IFT | = (Indirekte) Immunfluoreszenz |
AGGL | = Agglutination | ILMA | = Immunoluminometrischer Test |
AGGR | = Aggregation | IRMA | = Immunoradiometrischer Assay |
ARMS | = Amplifications-refraktäres Mutationssystem | IRS | = Internal Reflection Spektroskopie |
BLOT | = Immunoblot | ISE | = Ionenselektive Elektrode |
BSG | = BSG nach Westergren | KIMS | = Kinetic Interaction of Microparticles in Solution |
CEDIA | = Cloned Enzyme Donor Immuno Assay | KOAG | = Koagulation |
CHROM | = Chromogener Test | LCMS2 | = Liquid-Chromatography-Massspectometrie |
CLIA | = Chemilumineszenz Immunoassay | LIA | = Lumineszenzimmunoassay |
CMIA | = Chemilumineszenz Mikropartikel-Immunoassay | LTT | = Lymphozyten Transformations Test |
DZ | = Durchflusszytometrie | MEIA | = Mikropartikel-Immunoassay |
ECLIA | = Elektrochemischer Lumineszenz-Immunoassay | MIKR | = Mikroskopie |
EIA | = Enzym-Immuno-Assay | MLPA | = Multiplex Ligation-dependent Probenamplifikation |
ELISA | = Enzyme-Linked-Immuno-Sorbent-Assay | MONA | = Multiple of nonspecific activity |
ELISP | = ELI-Spot | NEPH | = Nephelometrie |
ELPHO | = Elektrophorese | NT | = Neutralisationstest |
EMIT | = Enzyme Multiplied Immunoassay Technique | OSMR | = Osmotische Resistenz |
ENZ | = Enzymatischer Test | PCR | = Polymerase-Kettenreaktion |
FAES | = Flammenatomemissions-spektrometrie | PHOT | = Photometrie |
FEIA | = Fluoreszenz-Immuno-Assay | RIA | = Radioimmunoassay |
FISH | = Fluoreszenz in situ Hybridisierung | RIP | = Radioimmunpräzision |
FL | = Fluorometrie | RRA | = Radiorezeptor Assay |
FPEAT | = Festphasen-erythrozytenadhärenztest | SSEQ | = Sanger Sequenzierung |
FPIA | = Fluoreszenz-Polarisations-Immunoassay | TMA | = Transkription Mediated Amplification |
GC | = Gaschromatographie | TPHA | = Treponema pallidum Hämagglutination |
GCMS | = GC-gekoppelt mit Massenspektrometrie | TURB | = Turbidimetrie |
HPLC | = High Performance Liquid Chromatography | ZK | = Zellkultur |
ICAP | = ImmunoCAP | ZKEIA | = Zellkultur/Enzym-Immuno-Assay |
ICPMS | = Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass-Spectrometrie | | |